The storm clouds roll in
Thunder booming, lightning cracking
Rain runs down from my eyes.
The bruises hurt, the broken heart aches
I fall and sometimes I don't get up.
Squeezing, tearing, flinching, hiding
I can't hide, though. I can't run away.
The demon causing the most hurt,
The thing I'm most afraid of...
Is inside of me.
The battle is raging, the creature beat down.
I'm still scared, but for now it's locked up.
The storm is calm, the clouds not as dark,
Sunlight peeking through the cracks.
I can hear the growling behind the door,
I can ignore it, keep it back.
I know that I can win this battle.
It's not easy, and sometimes it's overwhelming.
The clouds threaten to press down on me again,
And at times, the creature rattles the door.
But if I keep my sword sharp,
My army behind me, and stay courageous...
I know I will be the victor.
Copyright 4-3-14
Elizabeth Jane