Monday, December 5, 2016


Has it really been a year since I posted?  Wow.

Times have been crazy but I have a few ideas.  Hoping they all work out, but I'll share a few here :)

  • Nanowrimo:  I kind of failed this but hey, I finally figured out where I'm going with my Wolf Tamer novel.  So I am hoping to get that written by the end of 2017!  I also am planning on doing Nanowrimo again next year and hopefully having an outline planned this time.
  • Poem-A-Month:  I apologize that I dropped the ball on this one this year, but I'm hoping to get back into in 2017.  So expect a poem every month starting in January!
  • I am planning on doing a lot more writing in 2017!  I want to just write, I miss just writing.  Not necessarily having a plan, just writing down different story ideas and just being silly most of the time.  I love it.
  • I have a goal to get even a self-published book done by the end of year.  I don't know if that'll be the Wolf Tamer story or a different book, but I think it'd be fun to try something on Amazon.  So we'll see!!!
Stay tuned for fun stuff!  :D  Thanks for sticking it out with me!