Monday, February 2, 2015

Dear Cupid: Feb poem

This poem might be a bit cynical but's all in fun! :)

I don’t know why I was excluded

All these others with stars in their eyes

Men, women, even children

The day named after a saint long ago

The day I dread year after year

Why do you keep passing me over

I deserve love, too

The maddeningly happy baby with the saggy diaper

You’d better watch your back, kid

Jan poem

I know it's late but here's my January poem!  I don't have a title yet, I felt Winter Rain was too cliche and I wasn't feeling anything for now it's untitled.

Winter rain doesn't make sense

Why are you not white and fluffy

Melting as soon as you hit the ground

Winter is supposed to mean ice

Snowball fights and cute snowmen

Instead we get wet sidewalks

Where have you gone Winter

Why is Spring invading so early

Don’t mock me sky